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A project in mind?
Minuit Une Consulting answers all your inquiries to make it happen in the best way possible.

What is Minuit Une Consulting?

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Lighting design

DC10 Club Ibiza: Immersive lighting design and preprogrammation with tailor-made centerpiece installation.

Lighting design

Live light show nominated by Tsugi Magazine as the highlight of the festival

Lighting design

Secret Solstice Festival (Island): Design of the main indoor scene of in collaboration with Staminart: a highly energy-efficient installation.

Live control

ADE Amsterdam Dance Event: live control of the Minuit Une's product during the Innervisions party. Creative support on the best use of our product.

Creative support

Nuit Blanche: artistic installation in association with the Artistic Director Timothé Toury. DMX Programmation of the performance.

Effects optimization

Philipp Poisel Tour: support of an IVL expert during the rehearsal in order to optimize the use of the Minuit Une's product in a 20 000 people arena.

Console preparation

As for Printemps de bourges Festival: console preparation, with effects, presets, and faders ready to be played, according to the artistic direction.

Timecode show

As for Vela Club, Programmation of a 10 min light show, in timecode, in order to be always executed the same way.

Stage plot - previsualisation

Stage plot drawing and previsualization of your lighting design involving our product.